Home Life Abroad is a lifestyle blog that focuses on family, leisure, DIY, personal finances, recipes, babies, giveaways and more.
The blog is written by two women, who live far away from their home, culture, family and friends. Through this blog we try to bring you our adventures and everyday life happenings from Israel and Spain.
We are happy you found your way to our site, feel free to look around, follow us and leave some comments.

My name is Ave and I’m a science teacher turned to stay at home mom. I was born in Estonia, but moved to Canary Islands in 2009. Got married to J in September 2010 and two years later we had a little princess called Ava Sofia.
I first started blogging in 2007, when I was studying abroad. I love reading, swimming, traveling, crafts and spending time with my little family.

Hi! My name is Ronnie. I grew up in the Andes Mountains in Bolivia but alas – work, love and education brought me to Israel. I’ve been here for a number of years, trying to adapt to the culture, language and heat.
I’ve been a blogger for years, having started my first site at 13! I’m a software developer and love to craft, learn new things and blog.

If you have any questions, suggestions or comments please don’t hesitate to contact us here.