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When I was 17, I had one of the most depressing situations of my life… (Beware: it’s a first world problem worth of the infamous meme)
It was 2003, and I was soon to be graduating high school. Of course, graduation meant a big gala event with families and friends. I don’t know how it’s done elsewhere, but in my school in Bolivia, the class rents a fancy hall and family members all take part in an elegant dinner and dancing. You are required to have a mother-son or father-daughter ball dance, men come in suits and tuxedos, and the girls come in the fanciest of dresses, all looking glam of course.
So here was my issue: I was chubby and very large chested and I lived in a developing country where most people were not. And that meant that dresses, bras, pants or clothing my size were mostly unavailable to me throughout my whole high school experience. As self-esteem destroying as that was on its own, it was exacerbated by the fact that the graduation event was coming up and I still didn’t have a dress to wear.
Shop to shop we went. I tried on dozens of dresses, none of which actually fit past my chest. I went to every possible clothing and dress store in the city. I was panicking. I cried, I screamed at my poor, patient mother – as if, blaming her would help. I hated my life and myself in the peak of my teenage angst.
So we made a decision to travel abroad to find and buy my dress. Can you believe the craziness of that idea?! My mom and I actually traveled to another country JUST to buy me a dress? The lady deserves a medal for putting up with me… In Argentina, we found a dress store that caters to gals of all sizes and pow! I found my dress. And below is my picture of that teenage drama coming to an end… (Never mind that it popped open at the actual graduation because it couldn’t handle the size of my chest…)

My apologies for the horrendous photo quality
Anyway, I was just thinking about it earlier today and I realized that had this happened in 2013, it would be a completely different situation. There are options that just didn’t exist as openly back then… at least, they weren’t options that I or my family knew about. Today, you can buy prom dresses online easily… just takes a quick search, going through pictures and picking your size. That would have removed my entire stress 10+ years ago and I wouldn’t be left traumatized till today. Just look at the options I could have picked out… I think I could have rocked them.

Anyway, as 2014 comes around, I’m curious:
You look so beautiful in that dress (and not chubby at all!) I remember the same stress of the graduation dress and god bless our parents they took us everywhere to find that perfect dress. We didn’t have to go out of country like you did but wow was it hard! Dresses seem to cater to certain sizes and shapes and I was not one of those! Ordering online sure does make it easier 🙂
you look very beautiful, I did not get a chance to go to the prom
I think you look beautiful in your dress! As for me I only graduated in 2006 so most things were available at that point. I do wish though my home computer was a bit more stable you have no clue how many times I would type up a report only for the computer to freeze and LOSE everything! Remember those horrible black floppy disk lol I so wish we had the smaller easier to use UBS saver devices.
I love all of Dress First choices!!
*thank you* 🙂 And YES, god I remember those moments of panic..I was still in school and lost so many reports..
I’m glad that in the end you found a beautiful dress and I really like the two options you picked out now. I rented a dress for my prom and it took so much time to find a right one.
Wow!! You might have had trouble finding a great dress but the one you picked is gorgeous! I know what you mean though, what did we do without online shopping??
I would need to be more patient and love myself more. Rather than do what others thought or expected that I do.
Wow. As a bigger girl myself, I know and understand your pain. I am sorry that you had to experience this!
The funny thing is.. when I look back at pics of myself I don’t think I was as significantly overweight as I felt/others made me feel. Really puts things into perspective… I have a bone to pick w/my family for making me feel that way! Grr
You should absolutely let them know your feelings on the matter!
I was exactly the same! I remember actually coming out of the top of mine because it was so tight, I literally popped out! And you looked beautiful!
I had a hard time finding prom dresses when I was in high school because I was so short. The only options I had without paying a fortune in alterations were short dresses, which I didn’t like.
I was always busty but small on around and it was hard to find a dress that my boobs weren’t popping out. There were so many strapless dresses and I just never seemed comfortable. It’s so great that we have so many options for our girls.
I had a hard time finding dresses that were long enough, because of my height…I was always insecure if anything was too short…but today I agree there are so many more options.
When I was in high school , I had the hardest time finding plus size prom dresses. By the time my senior year rolled around, I had decided to go with a less traditional prom gown look, but only because there weren’t any plus size prom dresses that fit my style and body.
Plus size girls have it easier fashion-wise nowadays. It’s so nice to see actual available clothing for all sizes. :/ We were born in the wrong era!
At least you got to go to Prom. the boy I was dating or thought we were dating dumped me and asked another girl to prom, so I never went. My first fancy dress was my wedding dress.
Oh noooooooo :((( What a jerk. I’m so glad we don’t have that tradition in my school… I would have never been asked out and there were only about 15 boys in my class.. My ‘date’ was my dad!
You looked good in that dress! I had a different problem though. I did not like dresses at all and going to prom night was a “must” for us girls who grew up in an exclusive school for girls. The nuns said it was supposed to be part of our social interaction with the outside world. haha. Oh well, my mom got me a fairly decent off white mid calf dress to wear – with matching high heeled shoes. All I ever wanted was for the affair to end. Never did wear a dress again (the last time was during my sister’s wedding 13 years ago to his day)
You looked beautiful and I am sorry that it was not the event of your dreams. Our schools have ceremonies but my parents did not want to bother going to mine so I can understand disappointment for graduation.
First of all, you look stunning in that dress (perhaps more so to the boys once it popped open later at the dance). God bless your mother for her willingness to travel abroad to ensure your evening went well. Dress shopping is harrowing enough, even when you’re an easy-to-find size. The experience must have been nerve-racking (from a first world perspective). You’re right, so glad technology has advanced so that this wouldn’t be a problem now.
You looked very beautiful in that dress! I remember when my mom took me shopping for a prom dress. There was not much to chose from at the time. I ended up picking one out but didn’t like it. When the night of the prom came I ended up not going. Was such a relief for me!
Yes those two dress options you showed at the bottom would have looked lovely on you and anyone who’s lucky enough to wear them now! Sorry you had such an awful experience!
Pretty picture & I love those dresses! I think everything happens for a reason. 😉
The dress was very pretty and you look amazing. I remember looking for a prom dress it was soon long. I love to shop but that was crazy.
Hi Ronnie, just wanted to say your site is really cute!
I don’t even think you were even fat. I loved the hair and the dress!
<3 I wasn't! Now that I look back I know it.. but for some reason, during that time, everyone said and thought that I was…